Monday Night Workouts
Hey Everyone,
We are now posting our workouts here on the web page. We only have a few weeks left of our Monday night intermediate coached sessions. If you have any questions please email [email protected].
November 23rd
Take a lap in pairs. We will have one group on the track riding at 32-33kph. Each group will do two sets of 15 minutes. The pair of riders will position themselves together in the line. The coach will ring the bell or blow the whistle for one pair to start. First the riders must shoulder check. Once they see it is clear the pair should get out of the saddle and drop down to the sprinters lane. The effort is done when the rides reach the back of the group. When the riders are getting close they must shoulder check to their right to make sure no one is above them. Riders must pull up track and get on the back without passing the riders in front of them.
Key points for this workout:
-Shoulder checking
-Hard acceleration into the sprinters lane
-Keep together in your pairings
-Keeping your head up and looking well ahead
-Loose grip on the bars/relaxed upper body, tight core
-No overlapping wheels
This is an intermediate session. All advanced riders must respect the coach and their instructions. Failure to do so can lead to your removal from the session. If any unsafe riding or rude remarks to a coach or other rider you may be asked to leave. If riders are feeling dizzy, light headed, short of breath, or uncomfortable please exit the track safely and inform the coach.
Coach’s discretion if the group needs to be split into two.
November 30th
Group team pursuit chases- These efforts are not all out. Riders will ride in groups of 3-5 based on coach’s selection. If the session is very busy the group will be split in two before splitting into pursuit groups. Aim will be for 3-4 chases per set and a total of 2 sets for each group. All groups/teams will be on the on the budget line spaced out from other groups. The coach will call 2 groups down to chase one another. If one group catches the other the effort is over. Note: please be safe when catching another group and anticipate an exchange from a front group. The coach will end the effort when the lead rider is within 2 bike lengths of the back of the other group. If we reach a time of 3 minutes before a catch has been made the coach will ring the bell signalling the group to go back to the blue line.
- Shoulder check any time you change direction
- Look well ahead
- Loose grip on bars/relaxed upper body, tight core
- No overlapping wheels
This is an intermediate session. All advanced riders must respect the coach and their instructions. Failure to do so can lead to your removal from the session. If any unsafe riding or rude remarks to a coach or other rider you may be asked to leave. If riders are feeling dizzy, light headed, short of breath, or uncomfortable please exit the track safely and inform the coach.
December 7th
Motor Pacing with 200 meter sprints off the motor bike. The motor bike will be riding at 38-40kph no faster on the blue line. What should I do if that pace is too high for me? Not to worry you will do a maximum of 2 laps behind the motor bike before riding up beside the bike and accelerating up to the rail so they can drop to the back of the pack. You will not be forced to sprint and we would prefer you get the experience riding with the motor bike for the complete effort. Doing 2 sprints and pulling off the track is not the intent of the workout. For riders who are doing the sprints the coach will point or blow a whistle while riding the motor bike. This signals the rider behind the motor bike to shoulder check and start their effort if it is clear. If you go without the coach’s permission you will be talked to. This is for everyones safety. Riders must only do 200m. Doing take a lap during this session will not be allowed.
- Shoulder check any time you change direction
- Look well ahead
- Loose grip on bars/relaxed upper body, tight core
- No overlapping wheels
- Do not touch your front wheel to the motor bikes rear wheel
- Leave space if you are uncomfortable or new with motor pacing
This is an intermediate session. All advanced riders must respect the coach and their instructions. Failure to do so can lead to your removal from the session. If any unsafe riding or rude remarks to a coach or other rider you may be asked to leave. If riders are feeling dizzy, light headed, short of breath, or uncomfortable please exit the track safely and inform the coach.